Yayyyyy! C-gun is back….two different tracks, two different messages….Hustlers anthem and Feeling myself. We all know or have heard the previous track….Ginger ft. Finesse. Firstly, i would like to appreciate the fact that this song doesn’t have anything to do with love, sex, or drugs.
I don’t like Hustlers anthem, especially the chorus, the accent was tooooooo forced…….i like the beat……..how it flowed and all, i also like the lyrics,the way he carried us along his journey.
There was an improvement in the chorus of Feeling Myself, the person that sang it, had the voice to go with it. I like the beat also, not to loud, not to fast….i would definitely sip wine and listen to this track. oh, and my best line is ‘bursting like pimples right on this temple’